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carpe amor


Seize love in the midst of everyday challenges.

The Carpe Amor Campaign is a series of short, pre-evangelistic, non-verbal films that address current-day issues while reflecting upright, Biblical principles that are filled with encouragement and hope. Each Carpe Amor short film is an easy door-opener to a Gospel conversation.


God has created us with the gift of a freewill to make our own decisions for ourselves. However, every choice has an influence that leads us towards good or bad. Some impulses feel good in the moment, but have lasting negative consequences. Choosing to embrace the light of Jesus is a life-changing decision, which empowers us to live a more peaceful and joy-filled life.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105

Carpe Amor Short Film Series

Every Carpe Amor short film will be based on a Biblical scripture or series of scriptures that relates to the specific topical issue. The films are nonverbal (without dialogue) with the hope that they can easily be shared in noisy environments (like a bus or train) as well as across language barriers. GemStone Media will simultaneously develop a simple discussion guide with several short questions for each story topic which will be available for download. Each short film will provide the opportunity to lead meaningful conversations that can easily be steered to the supporting scriptural references for that topic.


The second non-verbal, short film to be produced in the Carpe Amor Series is "Candelight" which is scheduled to be filmed in July, 2021. "Candlelight" is based on the current issue of: 

  • Struggling with anxiety and fear / finding peace — Philippians 4:6-7, Jer. 29:11, 1 Peter 5:7

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

1 Peter 5:7

"Candlelight" Story Synopsis

The short-film “Candlelight” addresses the growing sense of anxiety in many people today. The main character, Eric, is a devoted husband to his wife, Natalie, but he’s lost his job and the couple can barely make ends meet. Natalie is pregnant, and if Eric doesn’t find employment soon, the mounting debts will put the young family in a very difficult situation. Eric's anxiety increases as all his efforts fail to provide for his family — at a time when the world seems to be spinning out of control. Natalie knows and trusts that God will take care of them, and this gives her a calming inner peace. When everything seems lost, Natalie gently reminds Eric that he isn’t alone and that God will protect them. With Natalie’s help, Eric begins to find peace.


Eric trusts God theoretically, but in reality, he only recognizes God when things are good in his life. When things are not going well, Eric becomes overwhelmed, grasping for control. Eric's underlying belief is that his success actually relies on his own abilities and efforts. Eric is like Peter in Matthew 14:22-33. Peter walked on the water with Jesus, but started to sink when he focused on the wind and the waves rather than focusing on Jesus. Eric’s wife Natalie, however, knows God intimately. She believes that he is loving and trustworthy. She sees that God is ultimately in control, and that he is faithful and good to those who follow and rely on him. Natalie gently coaxes Eric to release his fears to Jesus as they pray together. In this moment of humble honesty, Eric's anxiety fades.

Future Short Story Themes

Here are some additional, potential themes that could be developed into Carpe Amor short stories:


  • Abandoned / Adopted child of God, chosen — John 1:12-13, 1 John 3:1

  • Rejected / Valued, special — John 15:15, 2 Cor. 12:9

  • Damaged / Redeemed and raised to life — 2 Cor. 5:17, Eph. 2:4-6

  • Guilt and Shame / Covered in mercy and grace — Hebrews 4:14-16

  • Examples of other potential topics that we could be developed into Carpe Amor stories:

       Trust, Forgiveness, Patience, Hope, Humility, Purity, Lust, Selfishness, Greed, Anger, Pride.

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